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These energy messages are directly connected to the Aligned Guidance Angel Cards,  


They can be interpreted as stand-alone messages, if "The Number" spoke strongly to you when you received it. The Number can also correlate to a specific age, date, or significant life event.

The numbers can also encourage additional insight as it relates more directly to  your current circumstances and Aligned Guidance message card you have chosen! 



When you feel a nudge or get a curious feeling about a certain number, or numbers, there is often a message waiting for you. Maybe you’ve been seeing the same number in your awareness over and over, and you’re wondering, does this mean something??


Know you are not “losing your mind”, this is just a sign for you on your spiritually awakening path. The universe is sending you a divine message, and you are opening up to receive it. 



Was this a significant age in my life?

Is this a significant date or timeframe of my life? 

Is this a number I feel really drawn to?

Is this a number I have seen repeatedly? 


If you answer “YES” to any of the above questions, it holds a divine message for you! 

 Always listen to your inner guidance, to discern what feels most true for you,

TRUSTING whatever comes through. 


I pray this extra energetic perspective opens you up EVEN MORE

to your higher alignment and co-creative manifestation power ! â€‹



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Encouraging the start of a new journey, new beginnings, opportunities, and projects are in store for you!  Feel into them with a positive and optimistic attitude of faith and trust in yourself and the universe. Bring awareness into your thoughts and focus upon your heart’s desires so they are able to positively manifest into your life.  Keep in mind, if you focus on your fears and what you do not want, these can also manifest. 


The energy of number 1 is also of strength, courage, inspiration, creativity, worth, and the power of conscious creation through focused intention, energy, and attention. You are a being of limitless potential!

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Encouraging harmony and partnership, this is a powerful sign of balance, cooperation, understanding, compassion, consideration and adaptability, within yourself as well as your relationships with others. Prioritize your self-care, your desires, and nurture your needs with healthy emotional boundaries and love in your daily life and actions. 

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Symbolic of the trinity of body, mind, and spirit, the number 3 holds a strong creative, joyful and magical energy! It brings many blessings of abundance, good fortune, positive communication, and blissful self-expression. It is a powerful reminder to stay mindful in every moment and re-discover the playful nature of your inner child, bringing you more peace, clarity, and love within. 


Number 3 also encourages deeper exploration of your intuition and inner wisdom in manifesting your desires through your creative inspirations. You are being invited to hold more trust, faith, and patience, as you work on enhancing all areas of your life. 


Ask yourself, How can I be more spontaneous, playful, and embrace my creative nature?


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Representative of stability, practicality, grounding into the physical world, and opportunities of growth and expansion. Putting in the consistent work towards your goals in order to manifest your life experience(s), is a powerful theme of this number, and it is also abundant with support, encouragement, and strength.  When you put the right momentum, inspired actions, strategy, and foundation in place, know that you can achieve your goals and dreams along your path. 


Seeing this number often also may be a reminder for you to bring more stability and security into your life. If you are feeling limited or lacking in any way, it encourages you to practice more appreciation, joy, and gratitude.  

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Go with the flow, because big happy changes are on the horizon! This number represents liberation, adventure, and major transformations that are always in alignment with your highest good and personal evolution. Let go of your old ways, and step fully into the new with confidence! Stay positive and optimistic in the changes coming your way, they are leading you toward your heart’s truest desires and when you follow your intuitive nudges, you will open the gates to fulfill your own unique destiny. 

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Symbolic of love, compassion, nurturing, and mothering energy. This number may appear when you are feeling anxious or are seeking additional caring support, and invites you to soothe and calm yourself as you are being divinely guided at this time. It also encourages you to take responsibility in taking better care of yourself, as well as others around you, and to balance material desires with inner spiritual nourishment.  Hold faith and trust that you will be provided for as you serve yourself and others with respect, compassion and love. 

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The number of the seeker, this is a symbol of mystical and deep curiosity, luck, and powerful learning ahead. It represents beginnings and endings, and affirms for you that you are on your right path. Encouraging you to continue to positive work you have been doing, as success is freely flowing towards you!  Continue learning, growing, and stepping out of your comfort zone in order to develop and master your skills. This number is also a sign for uplifting communication, teaching, healing, and being of service to others as an inspirational example. 

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This number holds the frequency of prosperity, abundance, mastery, internal power, and balance. When it appears and calls you, it is a beautiful message that it is time to claim your infinite nature, step into your personal power with trust and faith, and open up to receive the abundant blessings flowing to you in all forms! Your participation is requested, so continue taking the guided actions towards your desires. Welcome in these gifts with gratitude, for all you have now and all that is on its way to you!


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Significant of cycle endings, and soon to be new beginnings. This vibration brings with it a powerful sense of wisdom from life experience and strengthening your trust in letting go in order to move forward. It is time to allow your current situation to dissolve in love. Something better is on it’s way to you and the last piece is closure and acceptance for your past, and encouragement to look with optimism for what is coming into your future life experience. The number 9 brings compassionate energy, and may also be a sign for you to step into new role in service of others, as a lightworker, or leading others by positive example. Feel into this energy with your heart and soul, and listen for what it is showing up in your life around this time. In stillness, you will find the answers you are seeking, and the closure to move forward with clarity.


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A reminder that our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and actions create our reality through the Law Of Attraction. Listen mindfully and take action on your intuitional nudges at this time, as these urges are leading you in the right direction to discover deeper fulfillment and success on your chosen path. Release your fears and doubts as you step forward in a new direction, knowing you are being supported and guided toward beneficial opportunities and outcomes in your unfolding future. 


See Also: #1, as the number 0 amplifies and magnifies the vibrations of the numbers it appears with.

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Considered one of the master numbers, it holds a high vibrational frequency encouraging deeper spiritual awakening and connection with your intuition. When this number appears often, it comes as a divine messenger or teacher, bringing with it inspiration and positivity, reminding you to pay close attention to your thoughts, feelings, and keeping them optimistic and positive,  for you are creating your reality rapidly right now through the Universal Law of Attraction.

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A very balanced vibration of sensitivity and ambition. It appears as a reminder to not be deterred by old habits that no longer serve you. Make necessary shifts as you move forward on your path, allowing the “old” to be replaced with “the new” that is showing up for you. As you embrace your own unique gifts, talents, and interests, you will feel a deeper sense of harmony propelling you forward with a determined heart. 

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Your Divine Feminine energy is calling you! Tap into your intuition, sense of feeling, and receiving at this time. As you adapt with flexibility and ease to the transitions and situations arising for you, trust all is unfolding for your higher alignment and personal truth. If you are seeking additional guidance and support, you are invited to pray, meditate, and ask for what you need to help move you through the arising shifts. 

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This sign is encouraging deeper balance, harmony, enthusiasm, independence, and determination on your path. Stay focused, intentional, and purposeful in all you say, feel, and do. The effort you put in will bring you a beautiful sense of accomplishment and long term rewards, as you progress forward with growth and expansion in all areas of your life. 

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It is time to create change and welcome new positive life choices, transitions and experiences. An empowering frequency to move through your fears with faith, as the long-term benefits are all for your highest good.  Using affirmations and visualization will be helpful for you, as you use your personal tenacity, initiative, and an optimistic mindset to move closer to your heart’s true desires. All that you need is within you, you’ve got this! 

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Activating your willpower, determination, and independence to overcome obstacles, you are invited to hold optimistic expectations about your current situation. Call on your faith and trust that all of your needs (material and otherwise) will be provided for, you intuition is your compass, and as you step forward into action, know all is well for you.

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Grounding and embodiment energy is present, bringing you the uplifting vibration that you are on your right path toward manifesting your desires. This message is also one encouraging you to feel good about your chosen direction, to follow your inner wisdom, and continue expanding and growing in ways that feel good for you, as you fine-tune your skills and abilities. 

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It is time to align yourself in the vibration of abundance, releasing any fears of lack or scarcity, and intending for the best possible outcome! The high frequency of this number is a sign that you are rapidly manifesting your reality right now. Open yourself up to the opportunities arising, remain positive, and as you allow the next right steps to unfold for you, know that beautiful prosperity is on its way to you!

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Endings and new beginnings are on the horizon for you! A goal actualized, a vision completed, or a phase or situation in your life is coming to a close. This transition will bring a revived and welcoming energy and as you walk through the new door that is opening. You are invited to fill yourself with extra love & self-care, bringing you more vitality and deeper joy. You are being called to be of higher service to others, so fill your cup first and embrace all of the magic that is unfolding. 

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You are loved, supported, and well-blessed! You are invited to bring a deeper sense of harmony and compassion into your life and to find the fun in the present moment. This number holds a highly spiritual frequency, representing an awakening that may bring you into uncertain waters. Know what is unfolding is for your highest good, and will be of great benefit to you in the near future. Strengthen your belief, knowing even though you cannot see it all yet, it is on its way to you in divine right time. 

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A charismatic, versatile, and exciting number that brings with it the energy of balance of self-care and inspired action, as you pursue positive new directions. You are being guided every step of the way, so stay calm, cool, and connected within, as you focus your thoughts toward your dreams. 

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The vibration of determination and accomplishment is carried in this number, encouraging your perseverance and continuous efforts. Stand strong in your personal beliefs and desires with grace and gratitude. As you move forward with ambition towards your bigger picture, you are invited to utilize a holistic approach of body, mind, and spirit. You are building a bright and fulfilling future in every moment.  

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Where can you add more play and joy into your life? This number brings a highly creative and harmonious vibration, inviting you to bring out your natural abilities, talents, and imaginative nature with more fun! It also brings with it the frequency of open and honest communication in asking for support or assistance when you need it. Guidance is always available for you, but you must ask!  

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Keep going! The vibrations of enthusiasm and passion in this number are enhancing your forward momentum. Believe in yourself with confidence, trust your intuition , and know that your efficient and effective efforts are creating your desired results. Stay stabile in your foundation as you ground in to this divine right path. 

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Important life changes and unexpected shifts are coming your way in the form of powerful inspirations! You are invited to take good care of your needs during this time, as to stay balanced and centered during transition or transformation that may be underway. The vibration of this number is reassuring you that all is for your highest good and to stay optimistic!

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An encouraging frequency of financial prosperity and abundance, bringing the message that you are fully and completely provided for in your material needs.  Honor your infinite source with gratitude, continue taking aligned actions, and open up to receive your bountiful blessings! 

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Holding the vibration of spiritual insights, unconditional love, and harmony, this powerful message is a signal that new information, awareness and insight is flowing your way. Trust the feelings that are coming to you and follow those whispers as you step forward on your journey with grace and compassion. 


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You are invited to make the most of this frequency, for it brings the power of receiving, allowing, attainment, and wealth. Through sharing and giving, you open yourself up to receive. You have been moving consistently towards your goals and achievements, and you are encouraged to keep up the good work, and welcome the flow of prosperity with ease. 


Holding vibrations of unity, integrity, and personal truth, this message is pulling you deeper towards awakening your spiritual potential and inner light. If you are feeling lost or confused, know that something positive and for your highest good is on its way to you as one cycle comes to a close, another will open. Trust that if you feel “everything is crumbling” something better will be coming to take its place. Wonderful new beginnings or a new direction are on the horizon for you! 

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Bringing you the vibration of sparking your inner joy and igniting your creativity, you are being called to step into your spirituality further and follow your heart! Explore and express your truth, and bring a deeper acceptance of who you are, as you cultivate a clear connection and communication with the spiritual realm. This number brings reassurance in your unique gifts and abilities, and encourages you to utilize them for your benefit as you take inspired action toward sharing your light with others.  

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Holding a high frequency of empowerment and confidence, you are asked to walk forward on your chosen path with grace, strength, and enthusiasm. As you light up with creative passion, and open your heart and mind to the resources all around you, rest assured you will create the life of your wildest dreams, full of pleasure, bliss, and love! Stay aware of your thoughts and emotions, bringing an uplifting energy into your days. These positive vibrations will carry you into the new that is unfolding for you. 

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A remembrance of your ability to cultivate your own reality, in combination with the reminder to bring more balance, harmony, and trust into your life and relationships. You are invited to honor the steps of progress you have already made and to continue perusing your aspirations with faith, knowing you are fully supported on your path. You are encouraged to bring a deeper sense of awareness to your thoughts and your feelings. As you allow yourself to harmonize them in more effective and uplifting ways, this balance will serve you greatly in all areas, especially in your relationships, communication, and career. 


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The vibration of this number is of a very high frequency, connecting you with the angelic spirit realm as well as the Ascended Masters. They ask for you to ask! To open yourself up deeper to receive and allow the blessings on their way to you. Pause, pray, meditate, and connect. They love you and are with you in every moment, especially as you are guided to read this message. Rainbows of change are on the horizon for you. Ask for the guidance and support you desire as you weather your current situation and conditions. This number also brings with it the energy of spiritual growth and development. As you continue increasing your awareness and working with this energy, it will continue to expand. Enjoy your journey towards deeper awakening with optimism, love, and courage.  

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A potent combination of creativity and inspired aligned action. This number brings to you beautiful blessings of both flowing in freedom and supportive structure. Melding both the divine feminine receptivity and divine masculine of solid foundations, you are encouraged to bring both parts of you to life. If you are finding yourself “too free”, bring in more supportive structures in how you live out your days. If you are feeling “too rigid”, stuck, or over-planned, ask yourself where you can invite more freedom and flexibility into your experiences. Allowing this shift to take place will create a magical dance of melding your creative flow, thus inspiring you to act in a way that is aligned, easy, and graceful. Enjoying this dance will bring highly efficient, effective, and satisfying energy into your experience!

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It’s time to daydream dear one! New changes, doors opening, creative endeavors and opportunities are ahead! Seek the pleasure in your journey and allow yourself to let go of any resistance or pain in regards to what may be showing up for you at this time. If you start to question your passions and purpose, or you are feeling called to learn, explore, or experience something new, listen and follow these signs! They will open you up deeper to unlocking a higher potential. If you are seeking additional support during this time, you are encouraged to honor your needs and work with a mentor, guide, or coach to facilitate your shifts with a deeper sense of ease and grace. You also have the full support of your universal spirit team along side you during the transition taking place. Many blessings are in store for you as you stay the course and welcome this new adventure!

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Bringing you a renewed sense of calm and comfort, the frequency of this number encourages you to serve yourself with more nourishment and nurturing. Investing more energy into your self-care, your family, your home, creating a comforting and welcoming space. You are encouraged to explore healing around receiving and giving, as there are fears and stress around lack or limitations. Bring deeper appreciation into your heart for what is, and focus within and with those closest to you at this time. A reminder, that as your inner energy heals, shifts and elevates, your external world will be a reflection of these blessings. Ground in to you! 

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A highly spiritual vibration, you are encouraged to continue cruising on your current path with persistence and excitement in your mystical or synchronistic  experiences and awakenings. Continue exploring your creative endeavors, intuitive gifts and natural abilities. You will receive deeper clarity and understanding of yourself and others. This message brings you blessings and validation of your current path and celebratory energy as you continue on your path. You are developing a stronger spiritual connection with the angels, universal source of your own understanding, and divine guidance and support is always available to you. Ask for divine guidance and support when you need it, stay the course and keep going!

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A profound energy that brings with it the blessings of abundance, bliss, fulfillment, satisfaction and creations manifesting into reality. This frequency is within you, surrounding you, and on its way to you, you are invited to open up more to allow the receiving of this flowing stream. Enhance your courage within as you expand more and trust your intuition, thoughts, feelings, and actions even more. The vibrations of success and achievement are right around the corner, you are encouraged to remember the law of giving and receiving with an abundant mindset. When you have plenty, there is plenty to go around and share with others. Helpful affirmations to ground in this energy and continue its momentum is “As I receive, they receive. As I give, we all receive”. You are also encouraged to practice extra gratitude for your many blessings, those in vibrational form as well as all that you have already manifested into your reality. 

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You are being guided into higher potentials in your creative endeavors and service as a lightwkrker. You are fully supported on your path towards your spiritual exploration, and potential changes in your career or projects that are calling you towards deeper joy and fulfillment. The energy of this number is light and airy, bringing you a sense of feeling uplifted in awakening path. If you desire guidance or support navigating your path, ask and listen. You will be divinely lead to the people, places, and resources available to help you gain the clarity you seek. 

A grounding and stable energy behind this numbers frequency, bringing a sense of security your way as the efforts you have been putting into your work and growth are being rewarded! Stay the course and keep the momentum flowing. Everything you have done and become up to this point in your lifetime is serving you greatly, so continue forth with confidence and excitement. You are surrounded with positive and encouraging support from the Universe, know that you are blessed, protected, guided, and deeply loved. Give yourself permission to celebrate where you are, and where you are going, and do not lose sight of creating your future in the present moment. All is unfolding for your highest good, continue building your foundations and moving towards your desired outcomes knowing everything will come full circle. 

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You are being surrounded with extra support at this time to allow you to create more stable foundations through combining your thoughts and knowledge. This is a motivational energy of initiative and achievement, but you must combine what you know to be true with what you are focusing on in your thoughts and feelings. You are reminded to keep your thoughts and feelings positive and optimistic, creating empowering beliefs about the direction you are headed. You have acquired great knowledge and wisdom, but you must also honor your responsibility in the co-creative process of life, through your inner awareness and connection. Stay grounded in actions that serve you and mindful of your thoughts, allowing you to use your knowledge for the greater good. This will ensure your success in what you have been working towards.  

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The frequency of this number is stable and harmonizing, and is showing up as a reminder to find what feels good and embrace that inner knowing in joy of what lights you up. When you allow yourself to move towards what you love, what fills your heart and soul up completely, you emanate that energy outwards and your desires are drawn to you consistently. Where can you bring in more stable and grounded energy into your current life experience? What is out of balance that you need to harmonize to feel better within? You are asked to bring in a renewed sense of trust and faith in yourself and in your process, knowing that what feels good for you and brings you more harmony will revive and ground the energy you are calling into your life experience.

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This vibration brings with it peaceful support and universal grace. You have a team in the spirit realm working with you, and surrounding you to guide you on your path. In your exploration for deeper clarity, trust, and love within, you are asked to listen to the nudges and whispers they have been sharing with you. This intuition is the guidance from the spiritual realm, helping you to find what you are seeking. Trust that all is well, release your fears, and allow yourself to be lead in love as you take action as requested. Open your heart to the support and guidance available to you, and follow with trust towards deeper fulfillment, healing, and satisfaction. 

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Strength, Courage, determination, and belief in oneself are powerful aspects of this high vibrational number. It holds with it the energy of the Archangels and Ascended Masters, who are working closely with you at this time to facilitate the transformational ascension journey you are on. You are encouraged to continue on your voyage of rapid awakening, and believing in yourself fully and completely, as you are a divine child of the universe and fully deserving of your desires. Your inner resilience, strength, courage, and determination will bring forth the changes you are seeking when you stay the course and call on the universal angel team available to you for your highest good, and the highest good of all. Feel the joy and peace flow into your heart, knowing this as truth, expanding you even further on your journey. You are fully supported, you are fully taken care of, you are fully and completely loved. You are on the right path, keep moving those mountains and creating those waves. You are exactly where you have been lead to be on your journey of becoming. 

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